Saturday, April 08, 2006

No news news

No baby yet (15 days until due) and we've been making the most of it this week...

Monday saw us out on the town for a curry with Dad and new friend Donna, and the introductions continued when Gill allowed us to meet Gary. Lorna didn't go for anything other than the mildest of dishes fearing that sometimes the old wives get it right. I don't think "Passanda Carson" would be a bad name, though.

On Tuesday and Wednesday it was Mum and Don's turn to inspect the nursery. Well, Don spent most of his time inspecting (and mending) our wobbly floorboards, hooray! Gary and Gill joined us for tea and he settled in by asking for, and eating, a second helping of steak pie. He obviously realised what was expected of him...but perhaps not ready for Dundee yet.

Friday was our anniversary - 5 years; wooden, apparently. I gave Lorna some shelves in the nursery which was nice of me. We had tea at the Buffalo Grill then on to champagne tasting at Kev and Claire's. We sat out of it, fearing the need to drive in some sort of emergency, but had great fun all the same. They had a £20 limit per person, bought whatever fizz they fancied then once I'd wrapped the bottles in foil, mixed them up and served them, they had to mark them and guess what, where from and how much. Quite a revelation - the cheap one was a general favourite and Claire talks about rats when she's drunk. Kev proved to be the most accurate guesser. Not bad considering he didn't really like any of them.

Last but not least I made a tenner on the Grand National - Nil Desperandum!


  1. Happy Wooden Anniversary Guys!!!

    Good luck with the baby thing. Keep us posted Lee.

    Maybe we can wet the baby's head in the summer..

    Take care.


  2. I'm expecting nothing less, looking forward to it. Maybe in the Sneck...?
